The craft beer and wine world has good apps, why doesn’t bourbon? Have you started to see Henry McKenna games start with liquor stores and distributors? Are we entering a new era of specialty bourbon decanters to appeal to an audience that will bite? We investigate the reasons why it’s so hard to make bourbon apps popular. Tell true stories from the front lines of distributors bullying store owners on purchasing cases of Henry McKenna. Reveal our opinions on the new Old Fitzgerald Bottled-in-bond decanter.
Show Notes:
- Thanks to Blake from, Jordan from Breaking Bourbon, and Max from Superfly Bourbon Club for joining this week.
- Max recently spent his bachelor party trip in bourbon country, tell us about it.
- Why aren’t there apps? It works for beer and wine, but why not bourbon?
- Is there a false sense of scarcity with Henry McKenna?
- Are distributors starting games again?
- Why isn’t hoarding or buying multiple cases of Henry McKenna a good thing?
- Are spirits competitions getting too much recognition?
- Are decanters coming back in style?
- Are we rolling back to the 70s?
- Can this be a collectors item?
- Bob Dylan released his line of whiskey. Is this the start of celebs getting into the game?
- Listen to all the Community Roundtables at